Aku teringin sgt dah nak buat cookies, cupcakes, cakes etc...cita2 ni dah lama tersimpan sejak tahun lepas lagi...huuuuu~ malangnya setiap kali nak beli oven & peralatan sebagainye baget takde pulak...(ianya mungkin takde atau tak sempat nak ade, dah abis...hehe!)
Jadi bg persediaan bulan puasa yg bakal tiba --->eceh, cam dh nak raya je bunyik!...aku pon tanpa berlengah lagi pergi mencarik sebuah oven yg terhangat di pasaran. Jenama pilihan adalah ELBA 35lit...takmo besar sangat sbb aku bukan nak meniaga pon....kecik sgt pulak nanti menyesal...jadi kita pilih yang sederhana cukup~harga pon takde la tercekik!
Pegi kedai sana...stok abis...pegi jusco, stok abis...cet...ini macam komplot nak menggagalkan rancangan aku je --->mcmla dorg tau ape rancangan aku pon...hmmm jadi setelah usaha yang tekun...akhirnya aku jupe oven yang dicari..harga pon lagi murah drp jusco...ok sangatla tuu!!
Aku tgk harga mixer kat situ pon ok not bad murahnye...tp disebabkan takde stok (dorg ni cam takde excuse laen je)..aku kata aku dtg bila ade stok....yang penting aku rembat oven dulu!
Hari ni..salesman tu kol aku...kata stok dah sampai. Hasrat di hati...mlm ni jgk aku nak pegi beli. Tapi malam ni...aku tgk harga kat katalog...harga bg mixer (cap ayam)..siap container die skali baru RM89...as compared to kenwood RM145...hati aku dah berbelah bagi....mana satu?murah ke mahal?
Macam biasa...aku mestila mintak pendapat papa...well, mulanya jawapan dia tak membantu...balik2 jawapan die..."terpulang la mama...".....*tettt~boring,k!*
Macam biasa jugak aku desak die....i asked him to put himself in my shoes...
"Alaa...beli yang murah jelaaa, mama bukan nye nak meniaga...dahla mama tu hangat2 taik ayam je...2-3 bln dh tak pakai...papa tau sgt la mama ni. Cube mama bagitau mama nk watpe dgn oven tu??"
Panjangla pulak jawapannye....lalu aku pon menjawab..."mama nk buat cupcakes, cookies blablabla"..
Kata papa pulak: "alaa, takat cupcakes...beli pon bole~"
Aku tak patah semangat lagi...hehehehe!itu cubaan baek nk gagalkan rancangan aku....sbb die tau mesti die yg kne klua blanja beli bahan2 baking....jadi sehabis bole die nak kacau plan aku.
Jadi esok...aku pasti beli mixer...wuhoooo!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Tadi aku sempat ber-ym dgn seorang kawan yg berstatuskan susah hati. Katanye...maidnye dah takmo keje dan minta dihantar pulang atas pelbagai alasan *antaranya soal gaji kecik dan perbandingan keje dgn bos cina*
Suatu masa dulu...aku penah alami masalah yang sama. Pencarian maid bukan mudah..ia melibatkan kepercayaan yg tinggi.
Maid especially from indonesia datang dari berbilang kaum & budaya. So far, aku dah pernah amik maid drp boyan, jawa dan paling baru..madura.
Suatu masa dulu...aku penah alami masalah yang sama. Pencarian maid bukan mudah..ia melibatkan kepercayaan yg tinggi.
Maid especially from indonesia datang dari berbilang kaum & budaya. So far, aku dah pernah amik maid drp boyan, jawa dan paling baru..madura.
Mengenali dorg umpama buat kajian sejarah *teringat plak dulu masa buat kajian sejarah tempatan*. Background yang berbeza..cara pendekatan pon berbeza...
Contohnye maid aku drp madura ni...orgnye agak kasar, mudah menjawab, sensitif tapi rajin bekerja. Seorang kawan menasihatkan aku agar berhati2 soal janji dgn org madura...kalo tak ditunaikan mereka mudah memberontak.
Aku pon dah berapa kali terasa hati dgn maid aku...tapi aku sabar kan aje~
Bila dah tak tahan...akhirnya aku bercakap juga...dan mulalah maid aku mintak resign..
Kalo ikutkan perasaan..aku takmo dah mengekang marah, menyimpan perasaan biarpun diugut berhenti..
Aku teringatkan betapa sayangnya dia pada anak aku (anak aku pon same), rajinnya dia bekerja..
Aku pon taklah sempurna sebagai majikan...dia pon sama sebagai pekerja
Aku teringatkan yang dia juga manusia...
Jadi aku mula slow talk dgn dia...mintak dia paham perasaan aku...aku mengalah...
Aku tau tak semua akan setuju dgn cara aku...takut nanti dipijak kepala, sentiasa mengalah pada maid.
Apakan daya...maid sekarang bukan senang dicari. Walau duit berhabis banyak mana pon, kalo maid tu lari...tak kemana jugak kita akhirnya. Kita jugak yg buntu, terduduk fikirkan soal penjagaan anak. Zaman skang, orang kita pon tak hingin nak jadi maid macam cite2 lame dulu..
Dialog movie melayu dulu - "mak incik nak makan apa?"...hehe, skang mane nak dapat org kampung keje jadi maid. Org kampung skang lagi senang buat kerepek...silap2 lagi masyuk pendapatan dorg drp kita yg kat bandar ni..
Jadi kesimpulannya....ape eh?aiseh...aku dok tahan nak gi toilet sampai terlupa jadinya ayat seterusnye...
Hehe....ape eh?
Oh ye...bile tah aku nak dapat wondermaid.
Wondermaid,wondermaid...kamu tak besar tapi kamu kuat...heyyyy~wondermaid! *ape jadah aku merepek ni*
Aku pon dah berapa kali terasa hati dgn maid aku...tapi aku sabar kan aje~
Bila dah tak tahan...akhirnya aku bercakap juga...dan mulalah maid aku mintak resign..
Kalo ikutkan perasaan..aku takmo dah mengekang marah, menyimpan perasaan biarpun diugut berhenti..
Aku teringatkan betapa sayangnya dia pada anak aku (anak aku pon same), rajinnya dia bekerja..
Aku pon taklah sempurna sebagai majikan...dia pon sama sebagai pekerja
Aku teringatkan yang dia juga manusia...
Jadi aku mula slow talk dgn dia...mintak dia paham perasaan aku...aku mengalah...
Aku tau tak semua akan setuju dgn cara aku...takut nanti dipijak kepala, sentiasa mengalah pada maid.
Apakan daya...maid sekarang bukan senang dicari. Walau duit berhabis banyak mana pon, kalo maid tu lari...tak kemana jugak kita akhirnya. Kita jugak yg buntu, terduduk fikirkan soal penjagaan anak. Zaman skang, orang kita pon tak hingin nak jadi maid macam cite2 lame dulu..
Dialog movie melayu dulu - "mak incik nak makan apa?"...hehe, skang mane nak dapat org kampung keje jadi maid. Org kampung skang lagi senang buat kerepek...silap2 lagi masyuk pendapatan dorg drp kita yg kat bandar ni..
Jadi kesimpulannya....ape eh?aiseh...aku dok tahan nak gi toilet sampai terlupa jadinya ayat seterusnye...
Hehe....ape eh?
Oh ye...bile tah aku nak dapat wondermaid.
Wondermaid,wondermaid...kamu tak besar tapi kamu kuat...heyyyy~wondermaid! *ape jadah aku merepek ni*
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Alkisahnye...tadi aku bercerita dgn budak opis aku...pasal keje, suami, rumah etc..
Tapi dalam kekaguman aku...aku sempat terfikir....
Aku ni bukan lah kaya...gaji pon takla besar mana...tapi aku bahagia seadanya..
Aku juga sedar...dalam kesempurnaan seorang manusia tu pasti ada sedikit kekurangan dalam hidup mereka * pada sesiapa yg benar2 sempurna tu...tahniah anda mmg hebat!*
Aku sendiri..walau bahagia..tapi wang ringgit masih lagi perlu berusaha lebih ..huhuu~ T_T
Satu ketika dulu...waktu papa bercita2 nak beli kereta besar..aku selalu pesan pada papa..
mereka yang berkereta besar tak sentiasanya gembira..ada waktu tetap pening kepala nak bayar hutang..jadi bersyukur je pada ape yg kita mampu~
Kadang2 dalam hidup ni kita kena bersusah payah...
Tak susah takkan mengerti rasa bersyukur
Tapi tak semestinya juga yang senang tak reti bersyukur
Itu semua terletak dalam diri masing2...rezeki setiap org berbeza
kita takkan mengerti setiap kekurangan dlm hidup masing2....
Yang penting aku mengerti kekurangan hidup aku dan aku terima seadanya dgn redha~
seronok mmg seronok...nak2 dgr gaji suaminye agak besar...yang die pon keje setakat suka2 alhamdulillah..mungkin rezeki die lagi baik drp aku (sangat kagum,k!)
Tapi dalam kekaguman aku...aku sempat terfikir....
Aku ni bukan lah kaya...gaji pon takla besar mana...tapi aku bahagia seadanya..
Aku juga sedar...dalam kesempurnaan seorang manusia tu pasti ada sedikit kekurangan dalam hidup mereka * pada sesiapa yg benar2 sempurna tu...tahniah anda mmg hebat!*
Aku sendiri..walau bahagia..tapi wang ringgit masih lagi perlu berusaha lebih ..huhuu~ T_T
Satu ketika dulu...waktu papa bercita2 nak beli kereta besar..aku selalu pesan pada papa..
mereka yang berkereta besar tak sentiasanya gembira..ada waktu tetap pening kepala nak bayar hutang..jadi bersyukur je pada ape yg kita mampu~
Kadang2 dalam hidup ni kita kena bersusah payah...
Tak susah takkan mengerti rasa bersyukur
Tapi tak semestinya juga yang senang tak reti bersyukur
Itu semua terletak dalam diri masing2...rezeki setiap org berbeza
kita takkan mengerti setiap kekurangan dlm hidup masing2....
Yang penting aku mengerti kekurangan hidup aku dan aku terima seadanya dgn redha~
Monday, June 14, 2010
World cup, faris & bola
World cup is back..the much anticipated game for all the football fans out there. Of course papa is one of the zillions fan....*sigh*
So with the world cup going on...i suppose there would be no more favourite tv shows for me. No more monday night laugh for me, no glee, nothing...*booohoo!*
I remembered last time when i was pregnant...papa keep on telling me how he wish to bring his son to watch world cup with him at the mamak stalls *it's his wishlist not faris*.
Things to note is that, papa's wish really affected faris....so much!
Saya sangat gila bola
* aritu mak saya buat2 tak nmpk bola world cup kesukaan saya..anybody?kalo bola murah pon saya suka jugak...janji bola!*
Faris sangat gile bola...ape2 bola yg dia nampak die nak beli. It's a must. We even had to take a different route just to avoid the ball at the toy section. He got like almost 10 balls at home...i even had to buy him a goal *ok,ini aku yg teruja lebih...hehe.*
Penah sekali..aku tgh tunggu papa gunting rambut, tgh2 duduk dgn faris tetibe die jerit..GOLLL!!Huhuu...nasib baikla aku takde sakit jantung, kalo tak aku dulu yg gol adelaa..huhuuu~
Sebab kesiankan faris asik main dlm rumah...ahad lepas kitorg bwk faris ke tmn. Tp disebabkan hujan...kat tamannye dpt main sekejap je...kesian faris. Selebihnya faris terpaksa main kat parking lot aje...huhu~
* aritu mak saya buat2 tak nmpk bola world cup kesukaan saya..anybody?kalo bola murah pon saya suka jugak...janji bola!*
Faris sangat gile bola...ape2 bola yg dia nampak die nak beli. It's a must. We even had to take a different route just to avoid the ball at the toy section. He got like almost 10 balls at home...i even had to buy him a goal *ok,ini aku yg teruja lebih...hehe.*
Penah sekali..aku tgh tunggu papa gunting rambut, tgh2 duduk dgn faris tetibe die jerit..GOLLL!!Huhuu...nasib baikla aku takde sakit jantung, kalo tak aku dulu yg gol adelaa..huhuuu~
Sebab kesiankan faris asik main dlm rumah...ahad lepas kitorg bwk faris ke tmn. Tp disebabkan hujan...kat tamannye dpt main sekejap je...kesian faris. Selebihnya faris terpaksa main kat parking lot aje...huhu~
Jaga2 papa...faris nak buat tendangan kilat ni..
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
mood bercuti suda mari!
Ok..arini aku sepatutnye attend meeting dgn bos aku. Tp atas sebab takde lawyer laen nak jage opis...bos aku dengan buruk sikunye cancel offer die ajak aku pi meeting. Ohh...i like!Malas la nak klua2 petang2 ni. Panas ok!
Bos takde..aku pon mengambik kesempatan yg mulia ni utk browse gamba2 lama aku mase bercuti (cuti dalam malaysia je pon). Tiba2 je rasa cam nak pegi bercuti....alahaii~lama benar rasenye kami sekeluarga tak bercuti. Bukan ape...tiap kali papa ajak bercuti jalan2..aku kata buang duit *gatal mulut ni...haipp!*
Aku teringin gak nak gi bandung. Tapi nak pi buat passport (passport aku dh lame expired..sob,sob)....duit lagi. Jadi setelah menimbangkan faktor2 tersebut...aku pon cancel la rancangan aku. Kalo ade rezeki tak kemana kan...insyallah!
Oleh kerane aku pon suka membuang duit dgn bershopping...maka tak payahla nak salahkan sesape...papa dah paham sangat dah dgn tebiat aku ni..hehehe :p
Ni gamba aku g langkawi..honeymoon. Perut pon dah terboyot2...tgh pregnant. Tapi sebab cuti papa tak panjang..ini je yg sempat kami pergi....a few months after kawen tau ni.
Lepas faris lahir...kitorg bawak faris pergi jalan2 ke cherating. Seronok..sbb dpt pergi terengganu skali. Yea...seronok except the fact that aku jatuh dlm bath tub (oh,dont ask me why..dis is the reason why bath tub dlm rumah aku kne buang...papa kate faktor keselamatan,hmm) :'(
Bos takde..aku pon mengambik kesempatan yg mulia ni utk browse gamba2 lama aku mase bercuti (cuti dalam malaysia je pon). Tiba2 je rasa cam nak pegi bercuti....alahaii~lama benar rasenye kami sekeluarga tak bercuti. Bukan ape...tiap kali papa ajak bercuti jalan2..aku kata buang duit *gatal mulut ni...haipp!*
Aku teringin gak nak gi bandung. Tapi nak pi buat passport (passport aku dh lame expired..sob,sob)....duit lagi. Jadi setelah menimbangkan faktor2 tersebut...aku pon cancel la rancangan aku. Kalo ade rezeki tak kemana kan...insyallah!
Oleh kerane aku pon suka membuang duit dgn bershopping...maka tak payahla nak salahkan sesape...papa dah paham sangat dah dgn tebiat aku ni..hehehe :p
Ni gamba aku g langkawi..honeymoon. Perut pon dah terboyot2...tgh pregnant. Tapi sebab cuti papa tak panjang..ini je yg sempat kami pergi....a few months after kawen tau ni.
Lepas faris lahir...kitorg bawak faris pergi jalan2 ke cherating. Seronok..sbb dpt pergi terengganu skali. Yea...seronok except the fact that aku jatuh dlm bath tub (oh,dont ask me why..dis is the reason why bath tub dlm rumah aku kne buang...papa kate faktor keselamatan,hmm) :'(
Sekiranya anda sampai ke blog ini EN MAHATHIR *pasti secara paksa ni...kompem!* harap maklum bahawa isteri anda sangat ingin bercuti ditepian pantai/shopping mall tempat laen slain yg ada kat kl ni.....kalo dapat bandung pon best jugak! Udara kl dah tak best bagi isteri anda.
Friday, May 21, 2010
New update!
Kebelakangan ni..tak banyak yang aku nak update. Bak kata member aku farah, aku update ala kadar je...huhuu~ye aku sedar.
Entah, takde idea yang nak aku kongsikan...takut terlebih kongsi nampak jiwang karat plak....walaupun aku ni suka kecoh <---ni kata suami aku la kan....still i am a private person. (betul laa~sungguh!).
Ok...marilah kita cuba alihkan perhatian drp kenyataan di atas .... so meh aku update sket life aku skang ni camne ye!

New workplace...i enjoyed working here. Especially when my boss is not around... i started to feel that i am useful here...finally!there are works to be done..yes!!*
oh, ok...maybe aku over sket tang semangat bekerja tu.,huhuuu~....but next week i've got 2 meetings to attend which i seriously don't feel like going...ughhh~why mee???? (bolehke aku buat2 lupa dan tak pergi meeting tersebut??)
New maid...from what i saw..she's good in doing her work and taking care of faris. I like the fact that she volunteer to mop the house every single day and clean the toilet 3 times a week. Faris also likes her a lot..like everything sume nak ngadu kat kakak...huhuuu~i'm jealous! But according to papa it's good as it shows that she really care for faris...usually kid knows how to spot the one who really cares for them. Last time, adelaa sedikit salah faham antara aku dgn this new maid...but we managed to settle the misunderstanding.
Kalo nak tau contoh misundertanding yang aku maksudkan adalah spt berikut:
Aku: Yah, ada nampak semut tak?
Maid: Tak ade...saya dah lap semua almari, basuh semua sudu, singki tong sampah...yadayadaaaa~
Korang rasa salah ke soalan aku??ditambah dgn intonasi yang sopan santun aku ingat biase je soalan aku ni...tau2 soalan ni la yang membuatkan dia nangis tersedu-sedan...dia ingat aku kate dia tak buat keje....ohh,why??
sekali lagi...soalan aku hanyalah samada dia ada nampak semut ke tak je~
so i figure dorg ni over reacted laa....i had a discussion with her, well cite nye panjang tapi sume dah settle.
New baby....jengjeng!!...belum lagi laa..saje jek include sbb org dah tanya aku bila nak dpt second baby ...dengan rasminya jawapan nye belum lagi. aku masih merancang. harap maklum ye!

Walaupon perut aku ni cam bisa mengkompiuskan umat manusia yang tgh selesa duduk dlm LRT...cam pompan ni mengandung ke? dan pandang lagi...pompan ni mengandung ke? pastu agaknye penat berfikir akhirnya mereka ni akan buat2 tido...konon2 nampak tak bersalah gitu...tapi jangan la rasa bersalah ye...aku tak mengandung pon.....aku hanya mengandungi lemak sahaja ye.. :p
Oh, sudahlaa...sebelum aku merapu panjang...bye guys! have a nice weekends!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Faris update!
I admit lately there are almost nothing on faris. Huhuu...i didn't realized about it until it was recently raised by susan. Ohh faris, sorii...mama lupe...hehe~

(hmmm, cam pantun plak bunyiknye)
amazingly die akan malu sambil cepat2 tutup mulut dia...awww~ such a smart boy!
Okla...think dats all gamba yang aku ada for the time being. Oleh kerana selalu sangat missed target aku jadi malas nak amik gamba faris...berlari sana sini...ohhh,sudah~
Overall, alhamdulillah he is a healthy, smart and independent boy. I guess the maid is doing a good job in taking care of faris. Makan pon selera...main pon cergas.
His daily foods include Farley rusks, Tiger Biskuat (choco flav), Biskut Hup Seng, rice/porridge(alternate days), fish cutlet, calciyum and of course anmum milk.
Overall, alhamdulillah he is a healthy, smart and independent boy. I guess the maid is doing a good job in taking care of faris. Makan pon selera...main pon cergas.
His daily foods include Farley rusks, Tiger Biskuat (choco flav), Biskut Hup Seng, rice/porridge(alternate days), fish cutlet, calciyum and of course anmum milk.
which means
It's a new hope for mama....yeaaa~shopping!!!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
My version of sunday
Yesterday I agreed with papa that we're going to spend the day at home. Papa was happy... of course. Faris seems happy too....and i felt happy too..(ye ke?) So yesterday I started off the day by preparing spagetti for the breakfast....pastu beli barang2 dapur...then tengahari perasapkan dapur by preparing lunch plak. Agak lama jugak tak masak..tak berapa rajin lately sampai papa perasan yg kitorg ni asik2 makan luar...huhuuu~(cubaan nak pau papa gagal...)
Of course papa gembira spending the whole day at home sebab dia boleh main PS2 dgn tenteram. Aku plak dah tatau nak buat apa...aku pon pegilah mencuci leather seat kete...sudaa hitam...haishh!Last time tanya CARS...dorg charge RM155 utk cuci interior kereta plus leather seat...konon2 nak bajet....aku dengan rela hati volunteer utk cuci sendiri.
Aku pon turunla dgn maid aku...masing2 stok cuci the movie..tinggal tak pakai uniform jek. Elok2 aku tgh cuci..jiran aku yg parking blakang kete aku pon singgah menegur...tapi yang aku pelik tu dia pi tegur dlm kantonis...(ade rupa cinakah??)
Aku senyum je..skali dia amik kesempatan masuk kat driver seat sume..aku dah seram...ape la yang mamat ni nak...huhuuu~ Pastu dia pon mulakan perbualan....
Mamat cina: Eh, mana bos?
Aku: I la bos...u carik sapa?
Mamat cina: Eh, bukan bos cina kah?
Aku: Ooo...itu mr goon suda jual rmh kat i laa...
Mamat cina: Ohh, so u beli drp dia laa....so rumah pon u sewa drp dia ka?
Aku: Taklaa...i beli drp dia...(dalam hati aku..pekak gamaknye mamat ni)
Mamat cina: Huiyoo...rumah beli kereta pon beli kaa??
Aku: Takla...kereta i beli sendiri laa...i beli rumah je kat dia...(tang mana plak aku kata kete beli dgn org tu...hishh~kompius aku)
Mamat cina: Oooo......sambil ooo sambil jalan laju2.....(dah malu laa tuuuu~)
Moral of the story:
Lenkali masa org tgh dok buat cleaning jangan tak wat tak malu masuk kete org.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Budak sekarang dan pensel
Semalam terbaca harian metro tentang kisah rogol budak 14thn oleh rakan sekelas yg mana sebatang pensel sepanjang 4cm ditemui di dalam alat sulit mangsa rogol dan tak disedari langsung oleh mangsa selama 8 hari!! This is rather shocking especially when the kids are becoming more creative in sexual intercourse. A pencil?
Aku simpati pada mangsa...menurut laporan metro beliau adalah anak terbuang dan tinggal di rumah kebajikan. For me she is a brave person to have gone thru all this and still living. Worst still the doctor confirmed that she is one month pregnant...the result of another rape earlier than this.
With all these kinda things...aku pening kepala. Especially being a mom now...i worried about my child's future...his environment..etc. Last week, while we was having a supper at a nasik lemak stall with papa's friends we actually had this kinda discussion. The friends are teacher of secondary school so they keep on whining about the kids nowadays...etc. But their complaints are different. Their complaints are the same of my teachers...being lazy and disrespect of teachers etc. So when they bombarded me with the issue of generation gap...i just felt it's too lame to discuss.
But if they give me the example of this one rape case...i may agree with their views. I may agree that something must be done to save our younger generation.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Lovey dovey-mode of the day
Haha...berjaya menukar layout setelah lama! Many thanks to simplychics blog background for this cute layout...got a lot of design...rambang mata ok!
Ye,ye...aku tau aku nampak macam takde keje (bole tak perasan sendiri~ngehe). Currently im waiting for my PC..pheww~i've gone thru a lot of hassle in filing the application to resume practise. So..wat masa skang..bole la melihat keindahan internet..hee~
This is my second week here....and the best effort i made so far was to kemas this room so that it looks nice and neat...haha...(fahamilah org yg dh lama takde bilik...last time aku hanyalah si kuli yg duduk dlm cubicle..ohh~)
One more thing i'm really sucks at is in instructing staff....but a friend of mine said not to worry as it will comes naturally within weeks...huhuuuu~ye ke?How to instruct people without being bossy and still be nice?
Ok...i really sounds like i just got admitted to the bar...macam tak penah keje,ok!It all thanks to the past experience...now i really feel so awkward.
Hmm..gotta go home now and start to think...err, or lemme think tomorrow laa...
Ye,ye...aku tau aku nampak macam takde keje (bole tak perasan sendiri~ngehe). Currently im waiting for my PC..pheww~i've gone thru a lot of hassle in filing the application to resume practise. So..wat masa skang..bole la melihat keindahan internet..hee~
This is my second week here....and the best effort i made so far was to kemas this room so that it looks nice and neat...haha...(fahamilah org yg dh lama takde bilik...last time aku hanyalah si kuli yg duduk dlm cubicle..ohh~)
One more thing i'm really sucks at is in instructing staff....but a friend of mine said not to worry as it will comes naturally within weeks...huhuuuu~ye ke?How to instruct people without being bossy and still be nice?
Ok...i really sounds like i just got admitted to the bar...macam tak penah keje,ok!It all thanks to the past experience...now i really feel so awkward.
Hmm..gotta go home now and start to think...err, or lemme think tomorrow laa...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
New chapter
Good day people!
I'm blogging straight from the office. It's a new place for me..i'm officially back to the practising world..hehehe...seronok!
New place, new environment, new collegues...i hope evrything will go well for me. Wish not to think so much of the past experience..as i begin this new journey of my life.
As for the maid, i've got a new one...much better from the previous one and more responsible in doing the work especially in handling faris. Alhamdulillah...masalah sikit sebyk dh diselesaikn~ Now, wat i need to do is to focus on my career..hmm...mama akan berusaha utk faris! Gambatte!!
Talking bout faris, he just recovered from the flu...musim la skang ni..jupe dgn org yg kene flu sekejap je dh menjangkit. Nasib baik faris senang makan ubat...kalo tak mungkin lagi lama nak sembuh. I think apart from the flu, faris nak tumbuh gigi lagi rasenye...dgn ailio drooling non stop...gusi mcm bengkak...hmm...positif nk tumbuh gigi!
Right guys...gotta go now and start doing work..later,k!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Corporate language
I came across an email about corporate language this morning. I guess it's good enough for me to post it here for your reading purposes. Enjoy! (so long it does not happened to you...huhhhhuu)

The Corporate language!!
"We will do it"
" You will do it"
"You have done a great job"
"More work to be given to you"
"We are working on it"
"We have not yet started working on the same"
"Tomorrow first thing in the morning"
"Its not getting done...At least not tomorrow !".
"After discussion we will decide - I am very open to views"
"I have already decided, I will tell you what to do"
"There was a slight miscommunication"
"We had actually lied"
"Lets call a meeting and discuss"
"I have no time now, will talk later"
"We can always do it"
"We actually cannot do the same on time"
"We are on the right track but there needs to be a slight extension of the deadline"
"The project is screwed up, we cannot deliver on time."
"We had slight differences of opinion"
"We had actually fought"
"Make a list of the work that you do and let's see how I can help you"
"Anyway you have to find a way out no help from me"
"You should have told me earlier"
"Well even if you told me earlier that would have made hardly any difference!"
"We need to find out the real reason"
"Well I will tell you where your fault is"
"Well... family is important, your leave is always granted. Just ensure that the work is not affected"
"Well you know..."
"We are a team"
"I am not the only one to be blamed"
"That's actually a good question"
"I do not know anything about it"
"All the Best"
" You are in trouble"
" You will do it"
"You have done a great job"
"More work to be given to you"
"We are working on it"
"We have not yet started working on the same"
"Tomorrow first thing in the morning"
"Its not getting done...At least not tomorrow !".
"After discussion we will decide - I am very open to views"
"I have already decided, I will tell you what to do"
"There was a slight miscommunication"
"We had actually lied"
"Lets call a meeting and discuss"
"I have no time now, will talk later"
"We can always do it"
"We actually cannot do the same on time"
"We are on the right track but there needs to be a slight extension of the deadline"
"The project is screwed up, we cannot deliver on time."
"We had slight differences of opinion"
"We had actually fought"
"Make a list of the work that you do and let's see how I can help you"
"Anyway you have to find a way out no help from me"
"You should have told me earlier"
"Well even if you told me earlier that would have made hardly any difference!"
"We need to find out the real reason"
"Well I will tell you where your fault is"
"Well... family is important, your leave is always granted. Just ensure that the work is not affected"
"Well you know..."
"We are a team"
"I am not the only one to be blamed"
"That's actually a good question"
"I do not know anything about it"
"All the Best"
" You are in trouble"
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
She's an evil, he's a devil
The title itself seems to show that i was having an argument with somebody. The truth is...no. I hope i did...i was prepared for the worst actually. All these while i was keeping to myself...the impossible workload, the stupid instruction...i swallowed it all for the sake of my family.
Last week, i reached my boiling point...i felt like i was not appreciated for the good work done. I called it a quit. There were so many things that made me quit. I was only a subordinate...no one to turn to except her. All those top level wont care less about someone like me, they managed people at management level only. Sadly, no one care to hear my voice not even HR. This is just the gist of the whole story. The rest, let it be untold..
The truth is..if you're working at big corporation you will only get the recognition not for the work done but for your skill in sucking up.
Now, i'm trying to pick up the pieces and move on with life. I believe in karma..what goes around comes around. Im gonna miss all my dear friends there. You guys are amazing and it's a bless to meet good people like u guys. Thanx for all the support and for lending me a shoulder to cry on..we shall meet again...i will never forget u guys.
For the time being i just want to relax my mind...maybe now i have enough time to update this blog...seems like ages i haven't updated anything...hmm~now is the time.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hati yang gundah gulana
Lately perasaan aku berbelah bahagi.. dgn kepulangan maid aku 15hb mac ni, aku tatau mane nak letak faris. so dramatic perasaan ni sampai aku terasa mcm nak berhenti kerja je jaga faris kat rumah..owh, i know i am being over dramatic in overcoming this issue. I guess the pressure i put on myself causing me not to think properly..I'm being more emotional than i should be...walhal org jaga anak kat nursery tu sume nye ok je...aku jek lebey2~
Apart from that, faris showed no interest at all on the milk..like completely relying on the foodz (yg x seberape tu) only.Hmm..we even tried feeding him with different flavour...yet still failed. In the end, aku yg penat berfikir..Ahh~
Minggu lepas aku juga kehilangan 3pasang kasut yang sangat aku sukai. Pencopet kasut yg keji tu dah merembat kasut snowfly (lame tau tunggu sale baru dpt beli), scholl ngan sport shoes aku yg blom pon aku sempat pakai.Huuhh~tapi bak kate papa..percaya pada takdir...dah bukan rezeki kita...redha aje...sob,sob! Salah aku juga sebab tak simpan elok2...so skang belajar drp kesilapan.
Apart from that, faris showed no interest at all on the milk..like completely relying on the foodz (yg x seberape tu) only.Hmm..we even tried feeding him with different flavour...yet still failed. In the end, aku yg penat berfikir..Ahh~
Minggu lepas aku juga kehilangan 3pasang kasut yang sangat aku sukai. Pencopet kasut yg keji tu dah merembat kasut snowfly (lame tau tunggu sale baru dpt beli), scholl ngan sport shoes aku yg blom pon aku sempat pakai.Huuhh~tapi bak kate papa..percaya pada takdir...dah bukan rezeki kita...redha aje...sob,sob! Salah aku juga sebab tak simpan elok2...so skang belajar drp kesilapan.
Oleh kerana these few weeks kami asik berjalan tak duduk rumah, papa dah tunjuk boikot nak duduk rumah minggu ni...takmo jalan2 lagi. Okla, to be fair to him..aku setuju...kesian jugak tgk dia bawak kami ke sana sini...aku tau dia penat..hmm~faktor umur kot..hahaha!
Oh ye, aku kate aku hilang kasut tp last week yang aku beli adalah..hehe...handbag yang tade kene mengene dgn kehilangan kasut..huhuu~
Sebab rase bersalah, aku ckp dgn papa aku nak buat undertaking...not to buy anymore handbag this year...and this handbag shall be the final bag for this year...penting ayat this year tuu....hahaha!
Mrs. Marine
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Sesetengah nikmat itu hanya datang sekali, tetapi bersyukur kena selalu.
Today, a friend forwarded an email to me. Sekali pandang macam tak menarik. It took me some time to open the email and read it.
After reading through the 1st and 2nd paragraph..i thought, oh..what the heck baca jelaa..alang2. Then i became interested to read further after the 4th paragraph. I was so focused and absorbed into the story that i didn't realized my boss came to my cubicle. But then again, it was too late...my eyes filled with tears as i was looking to her face. Huhuu~awkward situation,k!(maluu~fortunately she did'nt asked tau)
Yes, this is a story to be read by all mothers out there! I dunno whether this is fictional or not but one thing for sure is that it's a good story and meant to be shared with others so that we learn to be thankful for what we have now...
Ada sepasang suami isteri yang hidup bahagia. Tidak ada kurangnya bagi pasangan yang dilimpahi dengan kemewahan ini kecuali satu, mereka tidak punya anak walaupun telah lama berumah tangga. Sering mereka bercerita tentang betapa indahnya hidup sekiranya punya seorang anak penyejuk mata. Rasa ini bergolak hebat apabila melihat kepada jiran sekeliling yang sentiasa riuh rendah dengan bunyi hilai ketawa anak-anak, kadang-kadang tangisan nyaring.
Apa yang menarik tentang pasangan Mr. & Mrs. Perfect ini:
Susun atur dalaman rumah mereka yang rapi, kekemasan sentiasa pada tahap maksimum dan semua benda mesti berjalan seperti yang dirancang dan dijadualkan. Rutin hidup mereka semuanya berjalan seperti dalam catatan diari dalam kerapian tahap tinggi. Nota semakan kerja rumah tergantung pada peti ais, pada white board pula senarai semakan keberkesanan, perancangan pula dalam buku management tersendiri. Dengan tekun semua ini diulang-ulang saban hari, minggu dan tahun.
Pada satu hari yang indah, si isteri bergegas memberitahu jiran tetangga berita gembira yang dikongsi bersama dengan sambutan syukur hampir seluruh kawasan kejiranan berhampiran. Menurut doktor, dia bakal menimang cahaya mata. Kegembiraan jelas terpancar pada pasangan
ini, ucapan tahniah datang mencurah-curah.
Begitu pantas masa berlalu. Akhirnya sampailah saat yang mendebarkan, anak yang ditunggu dilahirkan dengan selamat. Bayi lelaki comel ini benar-benar memberi sinar pelengkap kasih sayang di dalam rumah itu.
Tiga tahun berlalu, anak lelaki ini membesar dengan sihat dan subur, sesubur perhatian dan belaian daripada ayah dan ibu. Namun berlaku sesuatu yang tidak diduga oleh ibunya selama ini. Anak lelaki ini mempunyai perangai yang seratus peratus berbeza dengan sikap ibunya. Kalau ibunya sangat kemas, anak lelaki ini akan mengeromot segalanya. Rumah yang selama ini kemas teratur sering kali bertukar wajah menjadi seperti lepas perang, kena penangan anak ini. Keadaan tidak terkawal, anak ini mungkin telah dimanjakan berlebihan.
Si ibu merintih derita. Apa yang berlaku ini bertentangan sama sekali dengan kanun dirinya. Semua mesti sempurna! Sampai pada tahap ini si ibu selalu terlanjur cakap bahawa mempunyai anak sebenarnya satu kesilapan. Anak bukan penyejuk mata sebaliknya peragut ketenangan.
Bagi mendidik si anak, si ibu terpaksa menggunakan sedikit kekerasan, cubit, rotan dan meminta dia berikrar untuk tidak mengulanginya kembali.
"Mama, abang minta maaf ... Abang tak akan ulang lagi."Itulah ungkapan yang diajar setiap kali kesalahan dibuat.
Satu lagi tabiat yang pelik bagi anak ini ialah dia akan mengoyak kertas yang dijumpainya dan dibiarkan bersepah merata-rata. Cubitan dan kemarahan tidak berjaya mengubah tingkah lakunya, dia masih dengan tabiat menyepah-nyepah, kemudian rumah jadi bingit dengan leteran dan bahang kemarahan ibu. Begitulah yang sering berlaku.
Pada suatu hari si ibu bergegas mengemaskan rumah kerana kawan lamanya bakal datang melawat. Dia ke dapur memasak hidangan kepada tetamu yang bakal datang.
Bila dia membawa makanan untuk dihidangkan, alangkah terkejutnya apabila dia melihat ruang tamu bersepah, sofa tunggang langgang dan koyakan kertas bertabur di mana-mana.
"Abang ... mari sini!!" Jerit si ibu memanggil anaknya lebih kuat daripada biasa. Kemarahannya mencecah siling kesabaran dan membakar rentung ladang hemahnya.
Si anak ketakutan lalu lari meluru ke arah pintu. Si ibu mengejar dari belakang. Nafasnya tertahan-tahan menahan marah.. Kaki anakmelangkah keluar dari rumahdengan larian deras. Sesaat dia telah berada di hadapan pagar.
Tiba-tiba terdengar satu bunyi hentaman keras. Larian ibu terhenti. Wajah terasa basah terpercik sesuatu. Dia terpaku ... Alangkah terkejutnya apabila melihat anaknya menggelupur kesakitan berhampiran longkang besar di tepi rumahnya. Basah di muka tadi rupanya adalah darah anaknya.
Dia tidak mempedulikan lagi pada kereta yang melanggar, dia meluru mendapatkan anak dan merangkulnya. Darah merah ada di mana-mana, dada anak berombak-ombak, tubuh kekejangan, terdengar bunyi rengekan menahan sembilu kesakitan yang amat. Tanpa berlengah dia terus memandu keretanya, anak diletakkan ke atas ribanya, tubuhnya kini dibasahi darah merah segar anaknya, dia terus memecut laju ke hospital.
"Ya Allah ... tolonglah selamatkan anakku ini." Doanya dalam raungan kuat sambil memandu laju. Hon dibunyikan bertalu-talu minta laluan daripada pemandu lain.
"Ya Allah ... aku tahu aku gagal menjadi seorang ibu yang baik tetapi aku memohon sekali ini ... Ya Allah selamatkanlah anakku ini."
Air matanya bercucuran dengan deras menitis, tumpah dan bergaul dengan darah merah anaknya. Perjalanan terasa begitu jauh dalam keadaan begini. Nafas anak tercungap-cungap. Dari mulut, hidung juga telinga darah terus mengalir begitu deras. Si anak bergelut dengan
kesakitan, dada berombak kuat, setiap kali dia membuka mulutnya darah bercucuran keluar.
Anak seperti ingin menuturkan sesuatu, ibu menangis semahunya.
"Mama maafkan abang ..." Ungkapannya sukar ... tersekat-sekat kerana kesakitan itu.
"... Abang janji tak akan buat lagi."
Itulah ucapan yang selalu dituturkan apabila ibunya marah. Ibu memegang mulut anak, hatinya menangis. Bukan ini yang ibu mahu dengar.
Sebaik sampai di hospital, anak dikejarkan ke bahagian kecemasan. Ibu menunggu di luar, dia membuat panggilan kepada suami dan mengurus segala prosedur yang patut. Dengan baju dipenuhi darah tanpa merasa malu pada orang sekeliling yang melihatnya, dia menangis sekuat hati, rasa sesal mengasak kuat segenap ruang hatinya.
"Ya Allah berilah aku peluang kedua untuk menjadi seorang ibu yang baik, aku sedar akan kesalahanku ..."
"Ya Allah selamatkanlah anakku hari ini ..."
Doa tidak pernah putus dari bibirnya dengan permohonan setulus-tulusnya kepada tuhan.
Setelah lama menunggu, tiba-tiba doktor keluar. Bebola matanya merenung penuh pengharapan pada doktor.
"Puan, maafkan ... Kami telah cuba melakukan yang terbaik." Patah bicara doktor satu-satu menyusun kalimah.
"Anak puan ... Telah meninggal dunia."
Hanya itu yang mampu dituturkan, walaupun selalu tetapi tetap sukar untuk menjelaskannya kepada ibu ini.
Dunia terasa seperti pasir jerlus yang menyedut dengan deras ke dalam, kepingan langit sekeping-sekeping menghempas ubun-ubun kepalanya. Alangkah sakitnya hakikat ini. Dalam tangisan berderai, dia meluru dan merangkul sekujur tubuh anaknya dengan mata tertutup rapat, kesakitan telah tiada bersama nafasnya yang berangkat pergi buat selama-lamanya.
"Anak ... Kamu tidak mendapat apa yang sepatutnya ibu berikan di sepanjang perjalanan pendekmu ini ..."
Ibu mencium semahu-mahunya. Namun wajah itu hanya kaku, dingin sekali.
Jenazahnya kemudian diuruskan sehingga selesai sempurna. Malam itu apabila lampu tidur dimatikan dan kawasan kejiranan sunyi, ibu keluar ke kawasan tong sampah di hadapan rumah. Dia menyelongkar sampah semalam mencari koyakan kertas anaknya. Malam itu di ruang tamu rumahnya penuh koyakan kertas yang ditaburkan.
Dengan nada lemah sekali bersama lelehan air mata hangat ibu berkata, "Alangkah indah andainya ini yang ibu lihat pada setiap hari di sepanjang hidup ini."
"Ibu rindu kepadamu ... Ibu rindu kepada nakalmu ... Ibu rindu pada koyakan kertas ini, tetapi kenapa ibu buta tentangnya selama ini?"
Tangisan hanya saksi bisu dengan irama tersendiri, namun hakikat yang terpaksa direngguk ialah semua itu tidak boleh diulang lagi. Anak comel itu tidak akan pulang lagi ke rumah sampai bila-bila.
Benar, sesetengah nikmat itu hanya datang sekali, kerana itu nikmati dan syukurilah, bersyukurlah sentiasa.
Amat malang kerana kita selalu sedar dan menghargai sesuatu, hanya selepas nikmat itu terlerai daripada genggaman.
Sob,sob~true...i dont wanna end up like that...
P/s: what happened to the dad eh?papa asked me the same question..why is the dad not mentioned in the story...hmmm??
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Our 2nd Anniversaries


I married to this guy named Mahathir 2 years ago. We've were in love for 3 years before he proposed to marry me. I remembered clearly, our wedding was not even close to extravaganza nevertheless we had a great wedding ceremony to be remembered. It was prepared within our budget and i accepted it very well. I was smiling ear to ear...showing my not so perfect set of teeth. We were nervous but we did it our way... we talked to each other while bersanding and laughed at each other's joke...until warning signs were given by my siblings...hehe~dorg ni tak rawk laa...
That was then.. 2 years back..
Now, even with faris around we enjoyed each other's company. We laughed at each other's joke and we love to make fun of each others. Like any normal couple, we do argue, yes we do..but we have a time limit to settle everything within 1 hour. It feels bad to argue and not talking to each other for one whole day...i can't live with that. I am fortunate to have him as he is very patient and considerate most of the times.
He is not a romantic guy who will shower me with gifts and flowers. He won't. He's a practical person who is very considerate to others. I saw good qualities in him never to be found in me and deep down inside of me i knew he is the one meant for me...to complement me, to guide me and to protect me from harm. I am blessed to have him as my husband.
2 years still we had a long way to go... no marriage is perfect, masih byk yang kami perlu belajar..nevertheless kami bersyukur atas nikmat dan rezeki yang dilimpahkan Allah sepanjang perkahwinan kami...Alhamdulillah~
Doakan perkahwinan kami kekal bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat..
P/s: gamba kawen aku tak byk yg best sbb photographer cam hampeh..tah hape gamba yang ditangkapnye aku pon tatau...huhuhu~tapi nak kate ape...dah kawen sudaa...settle.
Now, even with faris around we enjoyed each other's company. We laughed at each other's joke and we love to make fun of each others. Like any normal couple, we do argue, yes we do..but we have a time limit to settle everything within 1 hour. It feels bad to argue and not talking to each other for one whole day...i can't live with that. I am fortunate to have him as he is very patient and considerate most of the times.
He is not a romantic guy who will shower me with gifts and flowers. He won't. He's a practical person who is very considerate to others. I saw good qualities in him never to be found in me and deep down inside of me i knew he is the one meant for me...to complement me, to guide me and to protect me from harm. I am blessed to have him as my husband.
2 years still we had a long way to go... no marriage is perfect, masih byk yang kami perlu belajar..nevertheless kami bersyukur atas nikmat dan rezeki yang dilimpahkan Allah sepanjang perkahwinan kami...Alhamdulillah~
Doakan perkahwinan kami kekal bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat..
P/s: gamba kawen aku tak byk yg best sbb photographer cam hampeh..tah hape gamba yang ditangkapnye aku pon tatau...huhuhu~tapi nak kate ape...dah kawen sudaa...settle.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bola itu yang dipanggil BAA~
Last night while papa was busy playing ps2 i was browsing the web beside the sleeping faris.
All of the sudden faris woke up..rubbing his eyes and sat down properly. Then with his eyes wide open he pointed out his finger at the pillow and he shouted...BAA!!(means ball)
I was like so puzzled..where got ball on the bed?Mamat ni nak main bola ke hape tgh malam ni??
Puzzled still, but the next thing i know is he went back to sleep..ceh~
Itulaa dia org kalau dah kemaruk bola. Tak cukup seharian main bola time tido pon bole teringat bola lagi..hehe!
He looks very cute though...aww~i should've recorded that adengan mengigau..hehe!
Anyway, faris seems to ignore other toys that i bought for him and only focus in playing the ball. Huaa~sedey tau...beli mahal2 anak tak main. Akhirnya bola seploh ringgit jugak yang dikendong ke sana sini.
Baa~itulaa yang ditendang, dibaling, ditanduk..yee, cita2 faris sangat besar. Apa shj yg org besar buat depan dia, pasti dia nak ikut. Sangat bersungguh2. Dalam byk2 cucu mak aku...faris sorang je yang gilakan bola...drp bgn tido sampai nak tido..hanya baa dalam ingatan..kaki bola sejati ni.
Badan faris pon dah semakin susut. Tido waktu siang pon setakat sejam lebih je. Waktu lain banyak dihabiskan berlari sana sini. Hmm~tak bola nak buat apa dah...budak lelaki..dah sampai masa dia lasak camni.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Lalalala~mari kita kerja!
Kusut, pening kepala...rasa nak muntah.
Itulah perasaan yang sama aku alami setiap kali datang keje. Nak kata volume keje banyak, dulu lagi mmg macam ni...jadi aku sangat tak paham kenapa agaknya lately aku macam ni.
Mengandung?Ohh, tidakk~
BP naik? Tensen pon iye..tp mintak dijauhkan..
Mata problem? Kemungkinan besar sebab long hours tgk komputer..sigh~
Tapi itu semua fenomena hari kerja sahaja. Hari minggu mende ni semua tak terjadi…especially kalau pegi sale…tgk tag harga yang ade mcm2 warna pon aku tak pening. Isetan sale, Sogo sale, Jusco sale… blablabla…itu semua keindahan, elok utk mata aku…hehe~
Oleh kerana hari ni dah kembali bekerja...kepalaku kusut seperti biasa...ohh, cepatla hari sabtu~
Friday, January 22, 2010
What is the purpose of having a blog?
My purpose of having this blog is nothing more than to update my frens and those who care to read about my life. If you ask me whether i've been actively viewing others' blog and care to drop a comment, the answer is no. However, it does not mean that i don't give a damn about my frens. I treasure friendship in a real life rather than virtually..traditional i am.
As a blog writer, my thought would not be the same with the rest. Same goes to the contents of my writing. There is no hard and fast rule. I'm free to write anything i like but i wont condemn/review about others blog in my writing. For me it's a never ending stories. I'm far from perfect and i tend to make mistake too.
Life is too short. Let's cherish every moment of our life!
As a blog writer, my thought would not be the same with the rest. Same goes to the contents of my writing. There is no hard and fast rule. I'm free to write anything i like but i wont condemn/review about others blog in my writing. For me it's a never ending stories. I'm far from perfect and i tend to make mistake too.
Life is too short. Let's cherish every moment of our life!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Family activities
Ever since we got to know each other, we shared so many activities together.Papa is such an active person, he used to be an active bowling player, he's a good sports player, he loves to challenge himself with new things, a very fun person indeed. I learnt so much from him. I used to restrict myself to so many things..negative i used to be...but he changed me..
After we got married, with faris around ,we dont limit ourselves just by staying home. Sometimes we went out with his friends, karaoke, went to play bowling with my families...sometimes we choose not to bring faris because of the inconvenience or because it's his bed time. We do bring him with us under special circumstances....especially when our maid is not around.


Faris is not a fussy boy. He learn to adapt with the surroundings very quickly. The other day i just want to try out to see whether he can cope staying in the karaoke room..failing which i would take him out somewhere else. But he's being so cool..clapping his hand and it really looks like he's having fun. Btw, we went to karaoke in the afternoon for err,3 hours...ohh, i seriously worried about him. Nevertheless, im happy that he's ok...but this is not an encouragement for me to bring him to the karaoke session again...noo~wont do it again.
I admit that it's easier to move around now that he can walk except when we're at a very crowded places...i just let him stay in the stroller. Btw, faris old stroller is very bulky so we decided to buy a new one...i regret buying the old stroller..it consumed space, even a 7 seater car looks like 5 seater with the stroller around. We bought Graco Mojo Buggy...easier to move around with this, the bad side is only the price...way expensive. We're really gonna use this stroller for a very looong time! Trust me.

Anyway..i mentioned that i received a gift for our wedding anniversaries from papa. I said that i like it eventhough my heart says no..such a drama queen kan?Huhuu...after consulting with my frens i finally made up my mind that the gift is not really that bad. I never requested for such an expensive item from papa...so i feel really bad when he bought me E75. In fact, i really feel down that i dont think so anybody would understand how i felt. I confronted papa and we sat together and talk heart to heart. I told him i dont need any expensive item from him...in fact i want him to know that i dont want to burden him..i am different from any woman out there. He comforted me saying that he bought that only for my convenience and because he hate giving a handbag as wedding anniversaries gift...lerr~tu je reason die?at least handbag is more cheaper,k!
We are ok now..i learn to accept the gift...without further complaint. We haven't thought about going anywhere for the anniversaries..we'll see how..actually tak pegi pon takpe kan??Hmmmm~
We are ok now..i learn to accept the gift...without further complaint. We haven't thought about going anywhere for the anniversaries..we'll see how..actually tak pegi pon takpe kan??Hmmmm~
Monday, January 18, 2010
Hectic saturday
Last saturday we went 2 sogo preview sale.the traffic jam to the crowd,its almost impossible 2 move around from one place 2 anor.it's even difficult 2 choose an item with evrybody pushing around..gosh!
I end up buying nthg but papa on the other hand bought a gift 4 our wedding anniversaries.me really likey!
Thanx papa!
I end up buying nthg but papa on the other hand bought a gift 4 our wedding anniversaries.me really likey!
Thanx papa!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
2-3 hari ni aku balik awal tanpa papa. Teksi mahal cekik darah...sampai aku plak terasa nak bawak teksi (tu cita-cita je...as u know aku tak reti bawak kete pon...huhu)
Bukak2 pintu faris dah menunggu depan pintu bersorak tanda gembira...hehe,bestnya kne sambut!Tengok je muka faris hilang semua problem..tetibe cam gugur semua masalah dlm otak aku...camni la realiti dah ada anak...powerful cure to all sorts of problem...melainkan kalo die sendiri yang buat problem...haaa~itu lain cite!
Btw, one of my colleague just got married. Since we are not close so i dont get the invitation to the wedding. Anyway, we called her gucci original..because last time when we saw her carrying the gucci bag..we prenteded like we are so kampung...and asked her the brand of the bag...she replied saying..."ooh~ni gucci original!"..like do you have to mention that it's original???
Back to the story...she came to work today with a laptop...which means there will be video of her wedding and also tons of photos. She went on calling everybody passing by her cubicle and invited them to watch her video (music to the max) and she keep on doing so for so many times until i really pissed off..vetting agreement while listening to the loud music...sigh~ (hello~somebody is trying to work here~)
No im not jealous of her...it's rather irritating to see someone trying so hard to get the attention of others. She will show her wedding photos and the same question will be repeated to everyone.."cantik tak?, meletup tak??"
She'll be leaving us soon (despite the fictional position she said she was offered)...i bet her new colleague would end up listening to the same question, "cantikkah??" "meletupkah??"

P/s: otak aku nak meletup adela...huhuu~banyak nye keje!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Baby boy-big boy!

At 1 yr 2mths..he can do amazing things all by himself and im proud of him. He can laugh at our joke, he can run, he can eat by himself, he even practiced bouncing the ball everyday (obviously he's not a fan of a football). When asked to point out his body part..he'll do it with ease provided he's in a v good mood..hehe!
Faris can be very tricky especially when it involves his papa...out of the sudden he can cried out loud..cam sape plak yg pukul mamat ni~hmm...such a drama king! Oohh, and one of his hobby...an interesting one i would say...he likes to do tap dance..which in his case he looks exactly like happy feet penguins..soo cute tau!Aku tak rase aku suke tgk happy feet masa mengandungkan faris...or did i?hmmm~macam2 faris ni..

Aww~guess this is such a motherly feeling... i think my mom would have experienced the same too. So emotional yet happy for my baby.
On the new year's eve, i asked papa..what's his resolution for 2010? Know what he replied...
Nak bagi adik utk faris....sempat ni bersalin kalo bln 11 (sambil muke selambe hisap rokok)
Gullpppp~salah soalan rupenye aku ni...huhuu~defeat purpose akunye resolution thn ni nak kuruskan badan....huaa~
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